Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hello all! My name is Tiffany Dubois, I am a psych major (BA) and in my last semester at UCD (YAY!!!). I have absolutely no idea what I want to do after I graduate, but I cannot wait to see where my life takes me! :)

For my blog, I decided to write about the land in Rune Factory Frontier for the Wii. The main part of this land is called Trampoli, but there are dungeons (which are called runes in the game) and even a floating island in the shape of a while (aptly named Wale Island).

                            Photo Credit: Rune Factory Frontier. Marvelous Entertainment USA, Inc and XSeed Games.2007 Nintendo
                                                                                 Picture taken by: Tiffany Dubois

 I chose to write on this because although I have spent more hours in this game than I care to admit, I still find myself in awe of the landscape. I thought it would be interesting to look at it with a geographer's point of view. I am also very curious to see how realistic (or not) the geography of this fantasy world is.

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